DeerLake Pool Opening 2024 Season Guidelines
Pool Season: May 11, 2024 to September 29, 2024
Operating Hours: 8AM to 10PM
The DeerLake Board of Directors are pleased to announce that our pool will be opening May 11, 2024.
The Board asks that all community members help to ensure this pool season is safe for everyone that uses the amenity. The responsibility for maintaining the health of the pool falls upon the pool management company. The responsibility for ensuring OUR investment is maintained and treated with respect, falls upon each and every resident of Deer Lake.
For those residents that will enjoy the pool during the season, please help to maintain our investment by ensuring that everyone that visits the pools treats the pool, and other patrons, with respect and care. The rules below are guidelines for everyone, and should be enforced not only by the Board and Lifeguards, but by all Deer Lake Residents.
That said, residents are asked to do their part in the community to help ensure residents and guests adhere to the guidelines. The purpose of the lifeguards is to provide a safe environment for those that use the pool, and ensure the pool is healthy to enjoy. Parents, please parent your children and make sure they understand the pool rules.
As a result of carelessness, or deliberate damage, the Board was required to repair and replace items before this years pool season that should not have needed to be replaced or repaired. These expenses are paid for by you, the resident, so make sure you, your family members and guests treat our amenity like you paid for it�because you did.
Violations of pool rules may result in a loss of amenity privileges. Behavior that is deemed dangerous, or destructive may result in fines, in addition to the loss of future amenity use. Please help enforce the rules that are notated below so the pool season can be enjoyable and safe for all Deer Lake residents and guests. If you are made aware of a safety issue, problem, or damage please make a member of the DeerLake Board aware.
Pool Operating Plan
1. NO children under the age of 14 are allowed unless accompanied by their parent(s).
2. Furniture and Trash: Any furniture moved from the normal location, needs to be returned to it�s normal location when you�re done using it. Please clean up after yourself.
3. Pool Deck: Bikes, scooters, and other ride alongs are not permitted on the pool deck. Parents should not allow their children to bring those into the pool deck. The Lifeguards will be instructed to ask that they be removed. If you see someone riding an item that is prohibited, ask them to remove it from the pool deck.
4. Pool floats/balls/noodles, etc. Floats, noodles, balls, etc. are allowed in the pool. However, if the Lifeguard deems the activity a safety issue it will be removed.
5. Lifeguards: The Lifeguards are here for safety of those using the pool. Be respectful of the rules, and the rules the Lifeguards are told to enforce. Parents, you are still responsible for your children. Please make sure your children follow the pool rules, and the community guidelines. If you have a safety concern, or notice a rule violation, please notify the Lifeguard.
a. Lifeguard breaks: Lifeguards have a 10 minute break every 50 minutes. Prior to a the Lifeguard taking their break, the pool must be clear of all patrons, adult and minor. The pool MUST be clear of all patrons prior to the lifeguard break because the liability for the pool transfers from AMS to Deerlake while the Lifeguards are away.
**The Lifeguards have the authority to have patrons removed from the pool for rule violations and/or safety concerns.
6. Pool Rules. Members are expected to adhere to normal and standard pool rules. Please do not share your pool access code with anyone outside of your family and do not open the gate for people trying to access the pool.
Residents are expected to be good community stewards, and to look out for the safety and well-being of our community. If you witness any behavior that jeopardizes safety, disrespects other individuals or community property, or is a blatant disregard to the rules listed above, please notify the lifeguards and/or ask the individual to stop.
If it is not safe to intervene in a situation, please contact 911 to report the matter. Please follow up with a Board member to inform them of what occurred.
7. Bathrooms: Small children should not be left unattended in the bathrooms. Additionally, last year groups of kids caused damage to the bathrooms through horseplay. If you see kids congregating in the bathrooms, ask them to leave and return to the pool area.
8. No Splash Zone: The bump out with steps is a No Splash Zone on weekends only. Children will be/should be asked to move to another area.
9. Kids Pool: The kids pool area is for children aged 7 and under only. Parents need to be present when children are in this area.
10. Pool Season Dates and Hours:
May 11, 2024 to September 29, 2024: Operating Hours 8AM to 10PM
11. Lifeguard and Monitor
Lifeguards Schedule:
Daily May 23-August 3, 2024 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM Weekends only August 3-September 2, 2024
Note: When Lifeguards are not on duty it is swim at your own risk
12. Swim Team: During swim team practice and swim meets, the pool will not be available for use to no swim team members.
Pool Season: May 11, 2024 to September 29, 2024
Operating Hours: 8AM to 10PM
The DeerLake Board of Directors are pleased to announce that our pool will be opening May 11, 2024.
The Board asks that all community members help to ensure this pool season is safe for everyone that uses the amenity. The responsibility for maintaining the health of the pool falls upon the pool management company. The responsibility for ensuring OUR investment is maintained and treated with respect, falls upon each and every resident of Deer Lake.
For those residents that will enjoy the pool during the season, please help to maintain our investment by ensuring that everyone that visits the pools treats the pool, and other patrons, with respect and care. The rules below are guidelines for everyone, and should be enforced not only by the Board and Lifeguards, but by all Deer Lake Residents.
That said, residents are asked to do their part in the community to help ensure residents and guests adhere to the guidelines. The purpose of the lifeguards is to provide a safe environment for those that use the pool, and ensure the pool is healthy to enjoy. Parents, please parent your children and make sure they understand the pool rules.
As a result of carelessness, or deliberate damage, the Board was required to repair and replace items before this years pool season that should not have needed to be replaced or repaired. These expenses are paid for by you, the resident, so make sure you, your family members and guests treat our amenity like you paid for it�because you did.
Violations of pool rules may result in a loss of amenity privileges. Behavior that is deemed dangerous, or destructive may result in fines, in addition to the loss of future amenity use. Please help enforce the rules that are notated below so the pool season can be enjoyable and safe for all Deer Lake residents and guests. If you are made aware of a safety issue, problem, or damage please make a member of the DeerLake Board aware.
Pool Operating Plan
1. NO children under the age of 14 are allowed unless accompanied by their parent(s).
2. Furniture and Trash: Any furniture moved from the normal location, needs to be returned to it�s normal location when you�re done using it. Please clean up after yourself.
3. Pool Deck: Bikes, scooters, and other ride alongs are not permitted on the pool deck. Parents should not allow their children to bring those into the pool deck. The Lifeguards will be instructed to ask that they be removed. If you see someone riding an item that is prohibited, ask them to remove it from the pool deck.
4. Pool floats/balls/noodles, etc. Floats, noodles, balls, etc. are allowed in the pool. However, if the Lifeguard deems the activity a safety issue it will be removed.
5. Lifeguards: The Lifeguards are here for safety of those using the pool. Be respectful of the rules, and the rules the Lifeguards are told to enforce. Parents, you are still responsible for your children. Please make sure your children follow the pool rules, and the community guidelines. If you have a safety concern, or notice a rule violation, please notify the Lifeguard.
a. Lifeguard breaks: Lifeguards have a 10 minute break every 50 minutes. Prior to a the Lifeguard taking their break, the pool must be clear of all patrons, adult and minor. The pool MUST be clear of all patrons prior to the lifeguard break because the liability for the pool transfers from AMS to Deerlake while the Lifeguards are away.
**The Lifeguards have the authority to have patrons removed from the pool for rule violations and/or safety concerns.
6. Pool Rules. Members are expected to adhere to normal and standard pool rules. Please do not share your pool access code with anyone outside of your family and do not open the gate for people trying to access the pool.
Residents are expected to be good community stewards, and to look out for the safety and well-being of our community. If you witness any behavior that jeopardizes safety, disrespects other individuals or community property, or is a blatant disregard to the rules listed above, please notify the lifeguards and/or ask the individual to stop.
If it is not safe to intervene in a situation, please contact 911 to report the matter. Please follow up with a Board member to inform them of what occurred.
7. Bathrooms: Small children should not be left unattended in the bathrooms. Additionally, last year groups of kids caused damage to the bathrooms through horseplay. If you see kids congregating in the bathrooms, ask them to leave and return to the pool area.
8. No Splash Zone: The bump out with steps is a No Splash Zone on weekends only. Children will be/should be asked to move to another area.
9. Kids Pool: The kids pool area is for children aged 7 and under only. Parents need to be present when children are in this area.
10. Pool Season Dates and Hours:
May 11, 2024 to September 29, 2024: Operating Hours 8AM to 10PM
11. Lifeguard and Monitor
Lifeguards Schedule:
Daily May 23-August 3, 2024 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM Weekends only August 3-September 2, 2024
Note: When Lifeguards are not on duty it is swim at your own risk
12. Swim Team: During swim team practice and swim meets, the pool will not be available for use to no swim team members.
Important Information
Location: Clubhouse
Hours: 9am - 10pm Daily
Opens: May 11, 2024
Closes: September 29, 2024