The soccer field is for DeerLake Resident use, as well as, reserved team practice sessions. Teams must reserve the Soccer Field in order to use the field for practice sessions.....Team Game Play is not permitted. All reservations can be seen on the 'Events Calendar' Tab on the DeerLake Website. To see only Soccer Field Reservations, select Soccer in the drop down on the Events Calendar.
Below are the Policy and Procedures for Reserving the Soccer Field:
The DeerLake Soccer Field is for DeerLake residents and their guests. Fields are available on a first come, first served basis unless a preset scheduled practice time is reserved in advance.
Each sports season there is a lot of interest in reserving the fields for preset practice times. Prior to the start of each season, there will be a drawing held among anyone interested in selecting a preset practice time for their team. An email communication will be sent from DeerLake Communications to everyone with a profile on the DeerLake Website containing a valid email address. The following are the procedures and policies for the drawing and reserving practice times:
Interested parties must be present at the meeting in order to draw a number which will determine who selects their practice time first, second and so on. Once this is finished we will select practice times.
Practice Time is defined as a two-hour slot, usually beginning at 4:00 PM Monday-Friday. There are typically two time slots per day available (4:00pm-6:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm).
Only one time slot per team will be available until everyone has selected their time. If additional times are available and more than one team wants an additional time, we will hold another drawing to determine selection order for the second time slot.
Rental Cost for the Soccer Field is $150 per time slot per season. For example, if a team wants two slots for the Spring Season, the cost is $300 for the Spring Season.
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ARE RESERVED FOR DEERLAKE RESIDENT WALK-ON PLAY AND CANNOT BE RESERVED. There is a two-hour time limit for walk on play if someone else is waiting to use the field. There will be no league or team practice on Saturday or Sunday.
Please contact the DeerLake HOA Fields Chair if you have any questions.
2024 Confirmed Reservations: Soccer
Thursday, March 7, 2024: DL Resident Jacque Harden
5:30pm to 6:30pm
Thursday, March 14, 2024: DL Resident Jacque Harden
5:30pm to 6:30pm
Below are the Policy and Procedures for Reserving the Soccer Field:
The DeerLake Soccer Field is for DeerLake residents and their guests. Fields are available on a first come, first served basis unless a preset scheduled practice time is reserved in advance.
Each sports season there is a lot of interest in reserving the fields for preset practice times. Prior to the start of each season, there will be a drawing held among anyone interested in selecting a preset practice time for their team. An email communication will be sent from DeerLake Communications to everyone with a profile on the DeerLake Website containing a valid email address. The following are the procedures and policies for the drawing and reserving practice times:
Interested parties must be present at the meeting in order to draw a number which will determine who selects their practice time first, second and so on. Once this is finished we will select practice times.
Practice Time is defined as a two-hour slot, usually beginning at 4:00 PM Monday-Friday. There are typically two time slots per day available (4:00pm-6:00pm and 6:00pm-8:00pm).
Only one time slot per team will be available until everyone has selected their time. If additional times are available and more than one team wants an additional time, we will hold another drawing to determine selection order for the second time slot.
Rental Cost for the Soccer Field is $150 per time slot per season. For example, if a team wants two slots for the Spring Season, the cost is $300 for the Spring Season.
SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ARE RESERVED FOR DEERLAKE RESIDENT WALK-ON PLAY AND CANNOT BE RESERVED. There is a two-hour time limit for walk on play if someone else is waiting to use the field. There will be no league or team practice on Saturday or Sunday.
Please contact the DeerLake HOA Fields Chair if you have any questions.
2024 Confirmed Reservations: Soccer
Thursday, March 7, 2024: DL Resident Jacque Harden
5:30pm to 6:30pm
Thursday, March 14, 2024: DL Resident Jacque Harden
5:30pm to 6:30pm
Important Information
Hours: 7 am - 11 pm
Opens: Year Round